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Finally, a long journey has come to an end. “Actions have consequences”, originally “black money”, made a successful presentation at the graduation project fair at our university. It went through a lot, and will go through many changes as I keep updating the project, but as for now, I’m glad that many people enjoyed the result I’ve been making for the last 6 ~ 7 months.

Mainly, I’m planning to update the main menu and improve the UI before releasing the alpha version to the public, so it looks more polished. Also, one of the feedback I got was that the movement feels a bit janky, so I gotta do something about that too.

Overall, I’m satisfied that I finished with a FPS shooter that supports both singleplayer and multiplayer modes with decent graphics and mechanics. And most importantly, people like it. As a game developer, that’s the best thing that gives me joy.

Here’s an unofficial trailer. Currently using The who’s “Won’t get fooled again” as a placeholder music, and hosted on my homeserver. So sometimes it might not be available when I’m doing something with the server, but other than that, here it is:

Game link
